"Self-portrait" is an interactive installation centered on the theme of memory. It is a speculative audio-visual and interactive exploration of the social, economic and political entanglements of autobiographical, digital and collective memories in the era of transhumanism. Mind uploading, memory of the future as well as quests for eternity and power weave together a digital "samsara" by way of a ́ self-portrait, which draws on eye-tracking and machine learning (GAN) both as technologies and as metaphors. The installation aims to create a space for reflection on the evolution and stakes of information storage and exploitation, on techno-mythologies, and on our identity relationship to oneself and to others.

Detailed description of Self-Portrait ︎

︎︎︎Installation view  (pictures by (c)Ville de Mons / Oswald TLR.)



︎︎︎ Characters

Audio citations credits: 

  • Alex Colville, “Hell’s bittersweet end: Meng Po, goddess of forgetfulness”, The China Project (Society & Culture), 18 January 2021.
  • Anders Lykke Møllgaard, Ruth Garcia, Milena Tsvetkova, Taha Yasseri, “The memory remains: Understanding collective memory in the digital age”, Science Advances, Vol 3 , Issue 4, 5 April 2017.
  • Christina Symko, "Collective Memory". In oboin Sociology,
  • Clayton Nicola, Wilkins Clive, “Memory, mental time travel and The Moustachio Quartet”,Interface Focus, 2017, 72016011220160112
  • Cynthia Resor, “Collective Memory: How Do Memories of the Past Inform Our Future?”, Social Studies, 26 August 2020.
  • Marie-Claire Ropars-Wuilleumier, « L’image-mémoire, ou l’écriture de l’oubli », Hors Cadre, no 9 (« Film/Mémoire »), PUV, mars 1991.
  • Michael Graziano, “What happens if your mind lives for ever on the internet?”, The Guardian (The Observer Computing), 20 October 2019.
  • Randal Koene, “Uploading to Substrate-Independent Minds”, The Transhumanist Reader pp.146-156, March 2013.

Special thanks: Maxime Vander Goten, Maracas Studio.

Self-Portrait is a project produced by MuseumLab, supported by FEDER (Fonds européen de développement régional) and created in collaboration with the Pôle muséal of the City of Mons and CLICK.

︎︎︎Derived works

Coming soon.